Strategic Consultancy

In today’s fast evolving world, companies need to think fast and stay agile. That requires strategies that work in the real world. With experience across the value chain Axionis helps clients create strategies that come not just from knowing, but from the know-how of doing.
Our integrated model enables above average value creation by giving our consultants the advantage of Axionis’ insights from deep industry expertise and information technology, combined with the experience of efficiently operating business functions, optimizing and running supply chains, designing and implementing technology, and building resilient operating models and cultures.
Axionis leverages this advantage in our work with boards, CEOs, and C-suite executives to create above average value and savings for shareholders and stakeholders by defining and answering their most strategic business questions on topics like growth, profitability, technology-driven transformation and operating models.

Your IT Partner

Information technology today is a critical function in the enterprise. IT is not only a supporting function, helping to automate routine tasks and promoting process efficiency: It has also become integrated into the products and services of many industries. Even organizations that do not consider themselves high-tech are increasingly leveraging IT for digital transformation as a core element of their emerging business models.

Yet, in many companies, business leaders only manage IT as a technical function. The IT systems, IT organization, and IT processes may be designed well from a technical perspective but in most cases they tend to be poorly aligned from a business perspective. This can be the result of changes in business direction, sudden or long-term growth, acquisitions, or competitive disruption that create dissonances between what the business needs and what IT is providing.

Putting your IT environment in the hands of consultants and engineers from Axionis is a guarantee of top system performance and availability. We deliver a wide range of IT services, all of them designed with our customers' needs in mind to provide the right technical and business assistance.

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Axionis S.A.

29, rue du Fort Elisabeth
L-1463 Luxembourg
Business Permit 10077203/0